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Who needs a gym?

Bill Naron • November 9, 2020

Do you really need a gym?

Attention Gym Rats!

My grandson prides himself on being a gym rat.  Oh, it's leg day!  Look a me in the mirror!  Aren't I pretty?  Give me a break...
He called me to help jump start his motorcycle and after a couple of runs he was out of I took over and after 8 or so runs, got it started.  No huffing and puffing involved.  How you ask can Gramps be in better shape than his 40 years younger self?  Gramps gym is the answer.  Getting out in the yard in South Florida is all the workout you could ask for as often as you'd care to work out since everything grows....FAST!   Aerobics?  Check.  Legs?  Check.  Arms?  Check.  Flexibility?  Check.
Bending, pulling weeds, planting, cutting limbs, dragging garbage cans full of debri to curb.  Doing it all again over the course of a week keeps you in good shape!  Don't have a yard?  Come over, I have PLENTY to do!
In fairness, many gyms DO offer excellent facilities and programs at a reasonable cost.  Planet Fitness is one that is available to almost everyone nationwide that does a great job.  Any other favs?
By Bill Naron October 29, 2020
It's only Democracy at stake. I realize politics are important and should be taken seriously. It is our civic duty and responsibility to vote after all. I think we get a bit lazy about the mechanics of our government though. Every 4 years we get all worked up and wrap ourselves in flags, post signs in our yards and on our cars, rant about the ineptitude and chicanery of the other party and then the day after the election, it's like it never happened. We go about our business as usual, wave to our neighbors, go to work, enjoy a drink with friends, etc. How can that be? An old guy in a suit tells us something controversial and BOOM! it's off to the races! Every president runs as though he alone runs the country. Every congressman runs like they are the only ones that can save the country from itself. My view is that most seek the security of a very posh income, knowing once in, always in. Sure, there is the power and prestige but having a comfortable income isn't all bad. Do they really care if their constituents are on food stamps or have a job? Generally not judging by their rhetoric. The only employment numbers they seem interested in is theirs. So how is it then that we get so worked up about keeping these wonks employed, often to our detriment? Some get worked up about Congress and the Senate not having term limits while everyone else has succumbed to the benefit of term limits. The simple answer is we CAN term limit them by the simple act of voting. Quit voting for the guy thats been in office for 40 years. It's that simple. Many of our complaints about them would go away....they get rich in office, pensions, entrenchment in the swamp, etc. Vote them all out after a couple of terms. Even more important and much more difficult is the education we need to have in order to separate the noise of what is said and what is meant. It's difficult to be on guard protecting ourselves against the people elected to represent us. As they are pulled in so many different directions by constituents, special interest groups and the like, so are we. Jobs, kids, social lives all take up time and energy. The bottom line is that it is more important today than ever that we keep vigilant and keep the politicians accountable.
By Bill Naron October 29, 2020
Young and not so young people tend to overlook the advantages of mentoring. In our society, when we get to a certain age, we're put out to pasture wasting years of valuable experience and perspective. Technical skills may change but the broad brushstrokes of business not so much. Human relationships seem to have similar issues over centuries which is why old books and philosophers become classics. Older people have been 20, 30, 40 etc. but those people don't know what it's like to be 60, 70 or 80. That's not to say we can't learn from the young. They have much to say and teach. It's just that many people need a little guidance from time to time just to keep a healthy perspective of their current situation. The purpose of a mentor isn't to tell you what to do, rather focus your thoughts on how to find the best solution for you.
By websitebuilder October 15, 2020
The Merits of being Humble! We are not as good looking, smart or funny as we think we are (mostly). That doesn't prevent us from punching above our weight so to speak. In fact, mostly in spite of reality is how great things get done. Dreamers can be doers. The big difference is that dreamers generally don't have a plan or the confidence to fail. Doers dream but with intent. The moral of this story is don't let perceived shortcomings prevent you from accomplishing your goals.
By websitebuilder October 14, 2020
The need to compromise
hope, introduction, advice, commentary
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An introduction to the blog Gramps Says
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